Often used as warm-up position, the cat-cow stance encourages blood flow to the back and spinal column
Adho Mukha Svanasana :
Your heart is above your head in this position, which allows for increased blood flow to the upper body and brain.
Tadasana :
Mountain Pose is another straightforward yet efficient standing position to improve blood flow to your arteries and circulate blood throughout your body.
Sarvangasana :
Shoulder Stand is an inversion when your legs are over your head while you're lying on the ground on your back.
Viparita Karani :
Legs up the wall is a common yoga practise for relaxation. Your calves and feet will receive more blood and circulation thanks to this dynamic stretch.
Low lunge position, a dynamic stretch, helps to improve blood flow to your lower limbs.
Uttanasana :
Your legs, glutes, and hips receive more oxygen and blood while you are in the chair posture.
Disclaimer :
These are generic information. Please consult an expert if have an underlying medical condition.